Every year brings new changes and this year is no different. We will have several new changes in the placement of teachers this year and I wish each of them a great year in their new positions. The Inow program will be new for all of us and I have tried to access it for information and I have not been able to gain entry from home. This is the new student information program for those of you who are new to this term. The parents should be able to access the new program but it may not be available for the first nine weeks.
You may want to access the summer issue of The Connection to read more about the news relating to our school system. The system web page address is http://www.ccboe.org/
The system plans to have community school meetings at which there will be a presentation by a leading authority on "bullying". I hope that you all will make an effort to attend the fall community meetings. This topic is very important for everyone who uses the Internet. I am currently working on a project concerning Internet Safety and I am reading that bullying is an issue for many schools in our state.
It is time to get back to work but I just wanted to let my new students and my new parents know that I am excited to see your names on my class roster and I look forward to meeting you all at Open House on Thursday, August 11 from 5:00 to 7:00. See you then!